Sunday, May 10, 2009

Joshua Tree

We just returned from camping in Joshua Tree with our great friends, the Billings. We haven't been the biggest campers for the last few years. Newborns...and all. We had such a blast together. Kids all were so great and haven't stopped talking about their adventures.

Here's everyone all piled in.

Both families brought propane stoves but no one remembered pans. Oops. We got a little creative by cooking our eggs and pancakes over the fire, in orange peels. Somehow worked. Good memory.

Fun night hike looking for coyotes in the light of a full moon.

Getting a little desperate for an escape from the heat.

Good, now stay there.

The only shade we could find. Frogs and tadpoles in green, stagnating water....appetizing?

Escaping from the heat with a popsicle and loitering in front of Staters. The manager showed his appreciation for our popsicle cheer (to the customers) by giving us the boot. Tyler's head was just spinning.

Shopping at the outlets.