Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Tree

I like trees as much as the next gal, but for years I wanted our big sycamore down. It's the messiest tree ever, puff balls and leaves are never ending. It grows over the wires, the neighbor's yard and over the back wall. We had another tree belonging to the city just behind the back wall that hides the wires and we don't have to take care of it. So, the other day I was just done. I wanted it out, that day. I saw an opportunity and took it! I knew Tyler would understand about being spontaneous (of all people). He agreed. So, we called up our good friend/neighbor Ed, who is the pro-fix-everything-guy. He was kind enough to offer! After a few hours and a whole lot of help from fearless Ed, it is gone.

We were worried about the landing. One mistake, it would go through our wall and hit a car, or our even worse, our house. It took out a few of our other trees on the landing but we'll take it. At least we still had the city's tree.

Well, 2 days later, the city came and chopped all their trees down. oops. We're feeling a bit exposed. ha. I'm still so happy to have that sycamore gone. (Yes those are my maternity jeans, and nope....)

With all this wood, we have a goal to cook dinner over an outside fire once a week. What do you eat for dinner besides chili dogs and foil dinners? We will have to start getting creative I guess, or just pull out the smores!

With all this tree stuff happening, time for some good tunes. About trees of course. Tyler wrote this song back in the good 'ol days and it's always been a favorite of mine and the kids! Especially this week. (click the widget below)

Apple Tree
Apple Tree.mp3
Hosted by eSnips

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